After Paul dodges a bullet and recovers from a near-fatal heart attack, Cathy continues her chemotherapy trial in hopes of beating her cancer. However, because Paul is dependent on a defibrillator implant to keep his heart from giving out again, the Jamison family is hardly out of the woods. And as Adam’s driving lessons create a whole new layer of anxiety for Cathy, an empowered Andrea returns from Africa to resume living at the house under her new name, Ababuo. Meanwhile, assuming a new identity as an airline flight attendant named Alexis, Cathy becomes a regular at the Naked Turtle, where she’s asked to join the bar’s hapless broom ball team. After Dr. Sherman says that her chemotherapy seems to be working, Cathy and Adam arrive home from her appointment just in time to see Andrea accidentally trigger the defibrillator and send Paul flying across the room in pain. Though he’d been curious about what it would feel like if he had to restart his heart, now that he knows, Paul thinks he’d rather die than push the button again. Meanwhile, as she worries about Sean living through a winter in Minneapolis without any heat, Cathy refuses to sit by and watch Andrea leave her handmade wedding dress in the trash. Though Paul wants to celebrate her good news with a fancy steak dinner, Cathy insists that he stay home and rest. And as Andrea and Sean join forces to dispose of the mementos from their respective relationship disasters, Cathy decides to brush up on her broom ball skills by taking to the ice rink that Adam has created in the family’s backyard pool. But when the ice breaks and sends Cathy plunging into the pool’s frigid waters, Paul rushes to save her, only to have their dog accidentally trigger his defibrillator. And as Paul struggles to his feet, he and Adam team up to rescue Cathy.