This is a full C++ programming course. It consists of many lectures whose goal is to take you from beginner to advanced programming level.
I recommend watching the entire video because later lectures require knowledge from previous ones.

🚀📈💻🔥 My Practical Programming Course:
Experience the power of practical learning, gain career-ready skills, and start building real applications!
This is a step-by-step course designed to take you from beginner to expert in no time!
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📚 Learn how to solve problems and build projects with these Free E-Books ⬇️
C++ Lambdas e-book – free download here:
Entire Object-Pascal step-by-step guide – free download here:

00:00:00 – Goals of the course
00:01:31 – Do this before starting the course
00:02:41 – Introduction to C++ (What is C++? What kind of apps can you build with C++? Why C++ was created?)
00:06:39 – What is source code, object code, compiler, algorithm?
00:08:42 – Visual Studio 2019 – Creating a first project (setup)
00:11:32 – Visual Studio 2019 basics explained and first “Hello World” program
00:29:51 – Introduction to variables
00:44:36 – Rules for naming variables
00:52:15 – Data types in C++ and how to use sizeof operator
01:01:58 – Data type overflow
01:05:00 – What is ASCII table
01:09:50 – Simple, fun program for ciphering words into ASCII
01:18:12 – If/else statement (Build a program that checks odd/even numbers + flowchart explanation)
01:35:52 – Nested if/else statement (Build a program that determines the type of a triangle + flowchart)
01:55:50 – Operators in C++ (arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment operators)
02:21:02 – Swapping values of two variables with or without a third variable
02:29:20– Build BMI Calculator application + flowchart
02:49:55 – Ternary (Conditional) operator (Build a Guessing game app)
03:01:00 – Switch/case statement part 1 (Build Calculator app)
03:26:36 – Switch/case statement part 2 (Build program that checks number of days in a month)
03:39:35 – While loop part 1 + infinite loop example
03:53:39 – While loop part 2 (Build a program for counting digits of a number)
04:12:39 – While loop part 3 (Build a program for reversing digits of a number)
04:25:25 – Do while loop (Program for PIN validation)
04:39:09 – What is the difference between While loop and Do While loop
04:40:34 – For loop (Build a program for calculating the factorial of a number)
04:58:12 – Nested loops (Nesting do while loop and for loop)
05:11:08 – Nested for loop (Build Multiplication table app)
05:21:45 – Program for drawing rectangle shape
05:33:05 – Program for drawing triangle and inverted/reversed triangle shapes
05:44:30 – Introduction to functions
05:56:02 – Functions with parameters/arguments (multiple and default)
06:11:42 – Function return statement (Build program for checking prime numbers)
06:37:39 – Function overloading
06:48:06 – Build ATM app
07:03:03 – Generic functions and templates
07:14:30 – Recursion and recursive functions
07:30:01 – Introduction to OOP, What are classes and objects
07:42:06 – OOP Constructors and class methods
07:57:10 – OOP Encapsulation, GIT:
08:08:31 – OOP Inheritance, GIT:
08:24:59 – OOP Polymorphism, GIT:
08:40:04 – Introduction to pointers
08:51:14 – Void pointers
09:06:27 – Pointers and arrays
09:19:18 – Return multiple values from a function using pointers
09:34:50 – Dynamic arrays, create/change arrays at runtime
09:48:35 – Multidimensional dynamic arrays, Two-dimensional array
10:07:00 – Detecting errors in code using PVS Studio
10:17:19 – Explaining Memory Leaks
10:26:25 – Bloopers

After this course, I recommend learning about practical programming to gain career ready skills and get your first job, here:

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