The little mouse with a big heart is back in this animated, straight-to-video sequel that finds Stuart enlisting the help of a few new friends in rescuing Snowbell from the steely clawed clenches of a fearsome forest creature known only as “The Beast.” As the Littles packs their bags for a vacation at their scenic lakeside cabin, the littlest Little can barely contain his excitement at the prospect of hitting the great outdoors for some summer fun with the whole family. All is not well in the wilderness, however, and when Stuart begins hearing tales of a malicious monster who strikes terror into the heart of woodland creatures everywhere, he does his best to steer clear of the fearsome forest dweller. When Snowbell goes missing and Stuart learns that his feline friend has been taken prisoner by the dreaded “Beast,” he hatches a plan that stresses brain over brawn and enlists the aid of a friendly skunk named Reeko in rescuing his furry pal.

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