The story delves into the complexities of love, betrayal, and the consequences of one impulsive decision that transforms the fate of every family member.

Writer: Sadia Akhter
Directed by: Qasim Ali Mureed

Ushna Shah,
Sheheryar Munawar,
Mah e Nur Haider,
Shuja Asad,
Mahmood Aslam,
Isra Ghazal,
Shabbir Jan,
Muhammad Ahmad,
Furqan Qureshi,
Kinza Malik and others.

Timing : Aye Ishq e Junoon Monday & Tuesday At 8:00 PM

#ayeishqejunoon #ushnashah #sheheryarmunawar #mahenurhaider #shujaasad #mahmoodaslam #shabbirjan

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