▶︎Watch Red Bull Rampage 2019 LIVE onYouTube:https://youtu.be/BETYOc_Qs4E

▶︎Watch Red Bull Rampage 2018 LIVE on Red Bull Bike YouTube: https://youtu.be/6E1wdD_m62M ►Watch the Rampage 2016 Replay on Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRampage
“The event organizers called it ‘impassable,'” says Tyler McCaul of the daunting visual improbability of the narrow ridgeline he has chosen as his line for Red Bull Rampage 2016.

The crux move in the line: A narrow spine leading to a cliff, cropping out over the edge of a steep canyon with consequential drops on both sides. It required a huge landing be made to even think if was to be attempted.

With all 300 allotted sandbags in place, the landing zone still wasn’t plausible. So all 12 diggers labored to dislodge massive rocks, stacking them atop the bags to create a landing tall enough to match the pitch of the cliff’s natural slope.

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