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The fastest supercomputer, El-Capitan, costing ₹5,000 crores, performs 2 quintillion calculations per second. However, it’s about to be surpassed. Google’s Quantum AI Chip “Willow” can process calculations 1 Nonillion (1 followed by 30 zeroes) times faster than today’s supercomputers. Tasks requiring 500 trillion times the universe’s age for completion on current supercomputers can now be done in just 5 minutes. This breakthrough marks the beginning of a quantum computing revolution.
Quantum computing could unlock solutions to the universe’s deepest mysteries, pinpoint alien life, enable light-speed travel, cure all diseases, extend human life to 150-200 years, and even achieve immortality by uploading consciousness into machines.
However, creating quantum computers as accessible as today’s systems remains a challenge. Companies like Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, and Intel are working to solve this, but Google’s innovation puts it ahead in the race. This technology is poised to transform the impossible into reality.

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