While I haven’t been actively following the Depp v. Heard trial, I do come across snippets and often think about the psychology behind what’s happening and what could be worth sharing with you.

Without passing any judgment (as I don’t know the full facts of the case), I do find the choice of outfits and their colors very interesting.

Research consistently demonstrates that the colors people wear can influence perceived credibility, trustworthiness and power…

What are your thoughts on this and on the trail more broadly? 👇

📚Primary source:
Madden, T. J., Hewett, K., & Roth, M. S. (2000). Managing images in different cultures: A cross-national study of color meanings and preferences. Journal of international marketing, 8(4), 90-107.

Other sources:
Karl, K. A., Hall, L. M., & Peluchette, J. V. (2013). City employee perceptions of the impact of dress and appearance: You are what you wear. Public Personnel Management, 42(3), 452-470.

Roberts, S. C., Owen, R. C., & Havlicek, J. (2010). Distinguishing between perceiver and wearer effects in clothing color-associated attributions. Evolutionary Psychology, 8(3), 147470491000800304.

Sidhu, N., Qualter, C., Higgs, E., & Guo, K. (2021). What colour should I wear? How clothing colour affects women’s judgement of other women’s body attractiveness and body size. Acta Psychologica, 218, 103338.

To find out more about Shadé, visit the website: https://www.shadezahrai.com

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