Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**
00:00 : intro
01:15 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:00 : potong ayam (slicing the chicken)
02:29 : membuat bumbu marinasi (making the marinade)
02:52 : marinasi ayam (marinating the chicken)
03:55 : membuat tepung pelapis (mixing the dry coat)
04:34 : campur marinasi ayam dengan tepung kering (mixing the dry coat with the marinated chicken)
05:07 : goreng ayam (frying the chicken)
06:15 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)
#ResepPopcornChicken #ResepAyamGoreng #ResepDevinaHermawan
=================== [INDONESIAN]Resep Popcorn Chicken (untuk 4-5 porsi)
Bahan marinasi:
500 gr dada ayam filet
4 siung bawang putih
¼ buah bawang bombai
100 ml susu
¾ sdt garam
¾ sdt kaldu bubuk / penyedap
¼ sdt merica
½ sdm mixed herbs
1 sdt bubuk paprika
1 sdt cuka
2 sdm saus sambal
1 butir telur
6 sdm campuran tepung kering
Bahan tepung kering:
300 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
2 sdt bubuk paprika
1 sdm bubuk bawang putih, opsional
100 gr maizena
1 sdm baking powder
1 sdt garam
½ sdt merica
Saus sambal
1. Keringkan ayam kemudian iris sebesar satu ruas jempol, pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk
2. Potong-potong bawang putih dan bawang bombai lalu blender dengan susu
3. Masukkan ke dalam ayam kemudian tambahkan garam, kaldu bubuk, merica, mixed herbs, bubuk paprika, cuka, saus sambal, dan telur, aduk rata, diamkan selama 15-30 menit
4. Untuk tepung kering, campurkan tepung terigu, maizena, bubuk bawang putih, bubuk paprika, baking powder, garam, dan merica, aduk rata
5. Masukkan 6 sdm campuran tepung kering ke dalam ayam, aduk rata
6. Masukkan ayam ke dalam tepung kering satu per satu, ratakan
7. Panaskan minyak, goreng ayam hingga sedikit kecokelatan di api sedang kecil
8. Popcorn chicken siap disajikan
=================== [ENGLISH]Popcorn Chicken Recipe (yield 4-5 servings)
Marinade ingredients:
500 g chicken breast fillet
4 clove garlic
¼ pc onion
100 ml milk
¾ tsp salt
¾ tsp stock powder / flavor enhancer
¼ tsp pepper
½ tbsb mixed herbs
1 tsp paprika powder
1 tsp vinegar
2 tbsp chili sauce
1 pc egg
6 tbsp dry coat
Dry Coat ingredients:
300 g all-purpose flour
2 tsp paprika powder
1 tbsp garlic powder, optional
100 g cornstarch
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
Chili sauce
1. Pat the chicken dry, then slice it into thumb-sized strips. Place in a bowl.
2. Slice the garlic and onion, then blend with milk.
3. Add the mixture to the chicken, then add salt, stock powder, pepper, mixed herbs, paprika powder, vinegar, chili sauce, and egg. Mix well and marinate for 15-30 minutes.
4. For the dry coating, combine the flour, cornstarch, garlic powder, paprika powder, baking powder, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
5. Add 6 tbsp of the dry coat mix into the chicken and mix well.
6. Add the chicken into the dry coat one by one and coat evenly.
7. Heat the oil. Fry the chicken until golden brown on medium-low heat.
8. Popcorn Chicken is ready to serve.
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