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00:00 : intro
01:09 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:47 : marinasi ayam (marinating the chicken)
04:17 : membuat sambal taliwang (making Taliwang Sambal)
06:01 : membuat beberuk terong (making Eggplant Beberuk)
07:21 : bakar ayam di pan (grilling the chicken on the pan)
09:48 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)
#ResepAyamBakarTaliwang #ResepAyamBakar #AyamTaliwang #ResepDevinaHermawan
=================== [INDONESIAN]Resep Ayam Bakar Taliwang (untuk 5-6 porsi)
Bahan marinasi:
1,2 kg ayam utuh / fillet
40 gr santan
2 buah jeruk limau
1 ½ sdt garam
½ sdt merica
Bumbu halus:
5 siung bawang putih
8 siung bawang merah
5 butir kemiri
4 buah cabai merah
15 buah cabai rawit merah
15 gr cabai kering (rendam air panas)
2 ruas kencur
1 buah tomat, potong
2 sachet terasi, bakar
50 ml santan
250 ml air
1 sdt garam
1 sdm gula
1 sdt penyedap
Bahan sambal beberuk terong:
5 buah terong, potong
10 buah cabai rawit merah
5 siung bawang merah
3 buah jeruk limau
1 pcs terasi bakar
2 buah tomat merah, potong
¾ sdt garam
1 – 1,5 sdt gula
1. Belah ayam lalu tekan bagian tengah ayam
2. Marinasi ayam dengan garam, merica, dan jeruk limau di kedua sisi, lalu masukkan santan, oles hingga rata
3. Tutup dengan plastik wrap, diamkan selama 1 jam di suhu ruang atau semalaman di dalam kulkas
4. Blender bumbu halus dengan sedikit minyak, lalu tumis hingga minyak keluar
5. Masukkan air, santan, gula, garam, dan penyedap, masak sebentar, aduk rata, lalu pisahkan sedikit untuk saus pelengkap
6. Untuk sambal beberuk terong, ulek cabai rawit, terasi, garam, dan gula, lalu tambahkan tomat, haluskan
7. Masukkan bawang merah dan terong, ulek kembali lalu tambahkan perasan jeruk limau, aduk rata
8. Panaskan wajan dengan api besar, masukkan ayam, panggang hingga setengah matang
9. Celupkan ayam ke dalam sambal bumbu halus, panggang kembali hingga dua kali
10. Ayam bakar taliwang siap disajikan dengan sambal sebagai pelengkap
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Tefal Unlimited Frypan 20 cm
Tefal Unlimited Frypan 28 cm
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=================== [ENGLISH]Taliwang Grilled Chicken (yield: 5-6 servings)
Marinating ingredients:
1.2 kg whole chicken / fillet
40 g coconut milk
2 pc kaffir lime
1.5 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
Blended Spices:
5 clove garlic
8 pc shallot
5 pc candlenut
4 pc red chili
15 pc red bird’s eye chili
15 g dried chili (soaked in warm water)
5 cm aromatic ginger
1 pc tomato, sliced
2 sachet shrimp paste, roasted
50 ml coconut milk
250 ml water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp flavor enhancer
Eggplant Beberuk Sambal ingredients:
5 pc eggplant, sliced
10 pc red bird’s eye chili
5 pc shallot
3 pc kaffir lime
1 pc shrimp paste, roasted
2 pc red tomato, sliced
¾ tsp salt
1 – 1.5 tsp sugar
1. Butterfly the chicken and press it in the middle.
2. Marinate the chicken with salt, pepper, and kaffir lime on both sides. Add the coconut milk in and spread it evenly.
3. Cover with plastic wrap and marinate for 1 hour at room temperature or overnight in the fridge.
4. Blend the spices with a bit of oil. Sauté until the oil seeps out.
5. Add the water, coconut milk, sugar, salt, and flavor enhancer. Cook for a bit and stir, then set aside a little bit for the dipping sauce.
6. For the Eggplant Beberuk Sambal, grind the bird’s eye chili, shrimp paste, salt, and sugar. Add the tomatoes in and grind until smooth.
7. Add the shallots and eggplant. Mash again, then add lime juice. Mix well.
8. Heat the pan on high heat. Add the chicken in and grill until half-cooked.
9. Dip the chicken into the sauce and grill again. Repeat this step so the chicken is dipped twice.
10. Taliwang Grilled Chicken is ready to serve with the Sambal on the side.
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