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00:00 : intro
01:23 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:42 : mulai memasak bumbu dasar barbecue (start making the basic Barbecue Sauce)
03:44 : saus barbecue siap digunakan (Barbecue Sauce is ready to use)
04:25 : mengolah saus barbecue (processing the Barbecue Sauce)

=================== [INDONESIAN]Resep Saus Barbecue. Saus barbecue atau saus BBQ salah satu saus paling populer. Biasanya disajikan untuk pelengkap olahan daging dan seafood bakar. Banyak macam varian saus barbecue, kali ini aku akan share resep saus barbecue versi aku. Saus ini cocok dipadukan dengan berbagai olahan.

Saus Barbecue (untuk 1 jar)

Bumbu dasar barbecue:
500 gr saus tomat
80 gr gula palem
2-3 sdm cuka
50 ml jus apel
50 ml air
1 sdm bubuk paprika
1 sdm bubuk cabai (opsional)
2 sdt bubuk mustard
1 sdt lada putih
½ sdm bubuk bawang bombai
½ sdm bubuk bawang putih
2 sdm worcestershire sauce
½ – 1 sdm liquid smoke (opsional)

Saus barbecue:
1 sdm mentega
3 siung bawang putih, cincang
¼ bawang bombai, cincang
1 sdt kaldu sapi bubuk
15 sdm bumbu dasar barbecue
100 ml air

1. Masukkan semua bahan bumbu dasar barbecue ke dalam pan, aduk rata
2. Masak semua bahan hingga mendidih
3. Simpan di dalam wadah / toples atau bisa juga langsung digunakan untuk membuat saus barbecue
4. Untuk saus barbecue, panaskan mentega kemudian tumis bawang bombai dan bawang putih hingga wangi lalu masukkan saus barbecue, air dan kaldu sapi bubuk
5. Masak saus barbecue hingga air menyusut atau sampai tingkat kekentalan yang diinginkan


[ENGLISH]Barbecue Sauce Recipe: Great for Various Dishes

Barbecue or BBQ Sauce is one of the most popular sauces. It’s usually served to complement meat and grilled seafood dishes. There are many kinds of Barbecue Sauce. This time, I’m sharing my version of Barbecue Sauce. This sauce is suitable to be paired with various dishes.

Barbecue Sauce (yield: 1 jar)

Basic Barbecue Sauce ingredients:
500 g tomato sauce
80 g palm sugar
2-3 tbsp vinegar
50 ml apple juice
50 ml water
1 tbsp paprika powder
1 tbsp chili powder (optional)
2 tsp mustard powder
1 tsp white pepper
1/2 tbsp onion powder
1/2 tbsp garlic powder
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 – 1 tbsp liquid smoke (optional)

Barbecue Sauce:
1 tbsp butter
3 clove garlic, minced
1/4 pc onion, chopped
1 tsp beef stock powder
15 tbsp Basic Barbecue Sauce
100 ml water

1. Combine all the basic Barbecue Sauce ingredients into a pan. Mix well.
2. Bring to a boil.
3. Store in a container / a jar or use to make Barbecue Sauce right away.
4. For the Barbecue Sauce, heat the butter and sauté the onion and garlic until fragrant. Then, add the Barbecue Sauce in, water, and beef stock powder.
5. Cook the Barbecue Sauce until it’s reduced or to the desired consistency.


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