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00:00 : intro
02:04 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
04:07 : membuat saus bolognese (making bolognese sauce)
07:13 : rebus pasta (boiling the pasta)
07:53 : masak pasta dengan saus (cooking the pasta with the sauce)
08:29 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)
#ResepSpaghetti #ResepSpaghettiBolognese #ResepBolognese #ResepDevinaHermawan
=================== [INDONESIAN]Resep Spaghetti Bolognese (untuk 2 porsi)
200 gr spaghetti
120 gr bawang bombai, cincang
5 siung bawang putih, cincang
100 gr wortel, cincang
3 batang seledri / 4 sdm seledri cincang
400 gr daging giling (ayam / sapi / campur)
80 gr kornet (opsional)
5 buah tomat / 500 ml jus tomat
6 sdm saus tomat
1-2 sdm tomato paste (opsional)
1 sdm kecap inggris
100 ml jus apel (opsional)
100 ml susu
3 lembar bay leaf
1-2 sdt kaldu bubuk
1-2 sdt garam
½ sdt merica
200 ml air
2 butir telur rebus setengah matang
Parsley cincang
Keju parmesan
Olive oil
1. Untuk jus tomat, potong bagian bawah tomat membentuk huruf X lalu rebus sebentar. Kupas kulitnya kemudian blender hingga halus
2. Untuk bolognese, panaskan minyak kemudian tumis kornet hingga setengah kering lalu tambahkan bawang bombai dan tumis hingga kering
3. Masukkan daging giling dan tumis lagi hingga kering kemudian tambahkan bawang putih, wortel dan seledri lalu masak lagi kecokelatan
4. Masukkan jus apel, kecap inggris, jus tomat, saus tomat, susu, tomato paste, dan air
5. Tambahkan bay leaf dan bumbui dengan kaldu bubuk, garam dan merica kemudian tutup pan dan masak dengan api kecil selama 20-30 menit
6. Siapkan air mendidih, rebus spaghetti selama 5 menit atau sesuai selera
7. Panaskan sedikit minyak, tuang saus bolognese secukupnya dan masukkan spaghetti yang sudah direbus lalu beri sedikit air rebusan pasta dan masak hingga bumbu meresap
8. Sajikan spaghetti bolognese dengan telur rebus setengah matang, parsley, parmesan, lada hitam, dan olive oil sebagai pelengkap
Untuk mendapatkan produk-produk Tefal, langsung cek di e-commerce favorit kamu ya!
Tokopedia: https://tokopedia.com/tefal
Shopee: https://shopee.co.id/tefal_indonesia
JDID: https://jd.id/promotion/Tefal/3vXwmZ9EcZm3BxkDaLmadLvcLP9.html
Lazada: https://lazada.co.id/shop/tefal-shop
Blibli: https://blibli.com/merchant/tefal-official-store/TEO-60051
Bukalapak: https://bukalapak.com/tefal-official-store-official
Alfacart: https://alfacart.com/seller/tefal-9111
Tefal So Chef Deep Frypan 28 cm
Tefal So Chef Saucepan 18 cm
Tefal So Chef Wokpan 30 cm
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Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/Tefal-Id-111140333805830/
=================== [ENGLISH]Spaghetti Bolognese Recipe (yield: 2 servings)
200 g spaghetti
120 g onion, chopped
5 clove garlic, minced
100 g carrot, chopped
3 pc celery / 4 tbsp chopped celery
400 g ground meat (chicken / beef / mixed)
80 g corned beef (optional)
5 pc tomato / 500 ml tomato juice
6 tbsp tomato sauce
1-2 tbsp tomato paste (optional)
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
100 ml apple juice (optional)
100 ml milk
3 pc bay leaf
1-2 tsp stock powder
1-2 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
200 ml water
2 pc half-boiled egg
Chopped parsley
Olive oil
1. For the tomato juice, score the bottom of the tomatoes in an X shape. Boil for a moment, then peel the skin off and blend smoothly.
2. For the Bolognese sauce, heat some oil and sauté the corned beef until half-crisp. Then, add the onions in and sauté until browned.
3. Add the ground meat in and stir-fry until browned. Then, add the garlic, carrots, and celery in and cook until golden brown.
4. Add the apple juice, Worcestershire sauce, tomato juice, tomato sauce, milk, tomato paste, and water.
5. Add the bay leaves in. Season with stock powder, salt, and pepper. Then, place the lid on and cook on low heat for 20-30 minutes.
6. Prepare boiling water and cook the spaghetti for 5 minutes or to the desired doneness.
7. Heat some oil. Pour the Bolognese sauce in as needed and add the boiled spaghetti. Add a bit of the pasta water and cook until the sauce is absorbed.
8. Serve the Spaghetti Bolognese with half-boiled eggs, parsley, parmesan, black pepper, and olive oil as the condiments.
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