“The Most Eye-Popping & Imaginative Movie of the Year.” – Gannett. Breaking box office records as the biggest Easter opening ever, this special effects-driven tale follows Keanu Reeves (“Speed,” “Devil’s Advocate”) and Oscar, Golden Globe and Emmy-nominee Laurence Fishburne (“What’s Love Got to Do with It?”) on an explosive futuristic sci-fi adventure about a man who comes to believe that his everyday world is the product of a complex computer-driven digital matrix that feeds on humans. In his dangerous quest to find out the truth, he must figure out who is real and who he can trust. From the producer of the top boxoffice franchise, “Lethal Weapon.” “…one of the most visually dazzling and surrealistically plotted sci-fi films ever made.” – Mr. Showbiz MPAA Rating: R © 1999 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved

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