和訳: ジェフ
Mom, you should have known I was gay from my school report
Stood for hours in the showers never doing sport
Drink a cup of tea. Take some Valium. I’m almost as gay as David..
(安定剤を紅茶で飲む 僕はほとんどデイビッド)
This is a song for my mom… todayi’ve got a song for your mum to follow
A song for Dave’s mom… your son will come out …
My mom gose you’re not gay, gays have fashion senses you look like Donald Trump having a fight in Marks & Spencer,
You’re clothse are the second hand with the busted zipper and they’re all coming off like Alicia the striper
Good that went down well, I thought the reaction might be bad
Like that Grindr date where I accidentally met my dad
Mum I’m gay, I’m sorry it’s hard to take I hide my bottom in a cake so someone licks it by mistake
You say i should be straight and have ruined your plan,
But I can’t marry Amanda Holden even though she looks like a man
Even know she looks like a A Man da Hold that
My mom gose you’re not gay, gay’s dance better than you,
When you dance you’ll remind me of Ann Widdecombe having a poo
But do what you want there’s no more waiting
Whatabout simon cowell he’s the perfect age for dating
Silver fox how old are you simon
There we are all those old-timers
Can’t remember with alzheimer’s
I’ve been told only you’re 58
That’s really great. The perfect age for dating
Carbon date
Who am I kidding simon was never my favorite
The only one I ever wanted onbritain’s god’s talent
Was david