What is the most strategic center for Russia during the occupation of Ukraine?
The four regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia and Kherson are of course among the first guesses.
However, the Kremlin knew as early as 2014 that the real danger, the rebellion movements, would emerge in the Crimean Peninsula.
Yes, that is why the Russian regime annexed Crimea on that date, sparking the occupation of Ukraine, which is still ongoing today.
The majority of the countries of the world, on the other hand, consider the Crimean Peninsula to be the territory of Ukraine and believe that this region should eventually be painted in blue and yellow.
Some Russians in Crimea and partisan groups on the peninsula also believe that the region should be under Ukrainian control.
The Ukrainian side has the same view.
In the past few days, the world’s news media have revealed unexpected fires and explosions in Russia.
That is why the Ukrainian military has repeatedly attacked the Crimean Peninsula, eliminated twenty eight Russian navy ships, and rendered the main naval port in Sevastopol inoperable.
That is why the Kremlin sent its navy ships from Sevastopol to Novorossiysk and even from there to the depths of Azov.
In other words, the Russians in Crimea faced the most real face of the war.
Some of the Russians in Crimea have already fled, fearing that the peninsula would be attacked more intensively in the future and that the war might even end there.
It is estimated that there are still many Russian citizens fleeing Crimea.
It is a fact that the summer vacation population on the peninsula has dropped by more than fifty percent.
Recently, many Crimeans have been trying to find ways to escape by buying apartments in the Krasnodar region of Russia.
According to the latest news from the peninsula, apartment sales in Krasnodar are booming.
Experts say that Russian soldiers and their families will leave the peninsula after selling their apartments in Crimea and will buy new houses in Krasnodar.
There are many people who buy apartments outside Crimea, rent them out, and watch how things develop.
At the end of the day, these people are among the groups that have the potential to become partners in the escape plan.
It is estimated that fifty percent of those leaving are military, security forces, political officials, and relatives of those in these positions.
Crimean journalist Imran Useynov says he is confident that at least fifty percent of those who settled after two thousand fourteen, if not more, will leave.
According to him, a significant number of those who lived on the peninsula before two thousand fourteen and supported the occupation of Crimea will also leave.
The number of those who have fled Crimea so far is estimated at one hundred thousand.
So how will Crimea’s future be shaped?
Is the Russian regime doing anything to prevent these negative developments on the peninsula?
Can the Ukrainian side liberate Crimea again?