What’s your Psychological Vibe?? 🤔
In 2010, two organizational behavior scientists, Eisenkraft & Elfenbein, designed a study to investigate whether people have a predictable influence on other people’s moods.
And what they found is that people can consistently influence the way others feel. The conclusion of their research is that without trying or even being aware of it, each of us gives out a ‘vibe’ – (called your ‘trait affective presence’) – and it affects everyone you come into contact with in the same way.
This is really important for you to be aware of when it comes to fostering relationships and your ability to engage and connect.
Because, people make a judgement about you based on how they FEEL in your presence.
Some questions to think about:
Do people enjoy working with you?
Do people feel energized around you?
Do you bring out the best in others?
Or are you a negative energy vampire, sucking the positive energy outside of a room?
Simple tweaks to how you present yourself, engage with others and approach challenges ensures that you’re reinforcing a positive brand of integrity, and building authentic personal connections with people. People feel the difference, and it goes a long way in fostering psychological safety.
So what about you? What do you think your psychological vibe is?
Côté, S. (1999). Affect and Performance in Organizational Settings. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 8:2, 65–68.
Eisenkraft, N., & Elfenbein, H. A. (2010). The way you make me feel: Evidence for individual differences in affective presence. Psychological Science, 21(4), 505-510.
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