โ€œThe enthusiasm and understanding for research starts with the youngest members of our society”, says Elisabeth John from the fifth video in our series Women [& girls] in Science. After completing her PhD, Elisabeth built up the Scienteens Lab at the University of Luxembourg, which now receives 2,000 young people per year, showing them a possible career path in science, and throw experiments shows them the importance of making fact-based decisions.

The video series Be Brave: Women [& girls] in Science is a collaboration between the institutions that form Research Luxembourg and MEGA (Ministรจre de l’ร‰galitรฉ entre les femmes et les hommes – Luxembourg). The series features 6 women in science with different journeys in science, with the goal to inspire young girls in[to] science. www.fnr.lu/womeninscience

Videos produced by Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR), Luxembourg with Moast Creative Studio

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