Mummies and Daddies, let’s talk about milk.
How does the Magic of Friso® Gold milk give your little one high quality milk in every glass?
It all starts with high quality milk sourced from our very own farms in the Netherlands. With over 150 years of Dutch Dairy expertise, we create the ideal nourishing environment in producing high quality milk and milk is freshly delivered within 1.5 hours at no higher than 4C. But we don’t stop there.
We use science to keep milk protein as close as possible to its natural state by going through only one time LocNutri™ Mild Heat processing from liquid to powder. This is how we preserve the natural nutrients and goodness to help your child develop Good Digestion for Stronger Inside. We call this the Magic of Milk (sourced by Nature), Backed by Science.
Try Friso® Gold today!
#FrisoGoldMY #EasyToDigestStrongerInside #MagicOfMilkBackedByScience