Aryan Khan, the son of one of India’s biggest movie stars, Shah Rukh Khan, was charged with possessing and trafficking drugs. We take a look at the drug bust that tells a story of the conflict between the Indian authorities and Bollywood.

Namrata Joshi – Journalist and film critic
Vivek Agnihotri – Film director
Sucharita Tyagi – Film critic
Tejaswini Ganti – Assistant Professor, Anthropology and Film Studies, NYU

On our radar:
Facebook is again in our news feeds, and once again for the wrong reasons. Richard Gizbert speaks to producer Nic Muirhead about the continuing fallout from the whistleblower that has a consortium of news outlets on the company’s case.

Alarm Phone: The refugee hotline and lifeline
We discuss Alarm Phone, the hotline for refugees at sea that is helping to get their stories heard.

Jacob Berkson – Activist, Alarm Phone
Giorgos Christides – Reporter, Der Spiegel
Giorgos Kosmopoulos – Greece researcher, Amnesty International
Notis Mitarachi – Greek Minister of Migration and Asylum

00:00 Intro
02:12 Bollywood in the dock in Modi’s India
11:17 Facebook whistleblower fallout
13:45 Alarm Phone: The refugee hotline & lifeline
24:05 End Note

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