It’s here! The Cave Update! But we named it something else! Here is your first look at the Caves & Cliffs Update that we presented at Minecraft Live. Watch it and then proceed to fill the comment section with cave update requests, why break tradition now?

00:00 Start
04:45 Lush Caves
07:56 Dripleaf Plant
09:11 Improved cave generation
11:35 Dripstone Caves
13:02 Sculk Growths / Sculk Sensors / Wireless Redstone
15:45 The Warden
22:51 Crystals and Amethyst Geodes
25:21 Telescope
25:55 Copper
28:55 Lightning Rod
30:46 Bundles
33:22 The Art Team
36:04 Archeology System
39:58 Axolotls

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