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About the chant:
This is an intriguing record, illustrating some aspects of the musical life of a community of Benedictine nuns in the great French double monastery of Fontevrault, an early medieval royal foundation. In 1304, Eleanor of Brittany became its sixteenth Abbess, having been trained as a nun in the English daughter house of Amesbury. The Gradual that bears her arms contains, in addition to the normal chant repertoire, a special repertoire of its own (not, as mistranslated in the notes, ”a repertory of the Proper” which, in any case, was already there). It is this collection of miscellaneous pieces that throw a special light on the musical life of these nuns. Some items were undoubtedly intended to embellish parts of the liturgy itself on high feast days; others are more likely to have been used as pious entertainment during moments of recreation—then as now, in monastic communities.
This chant is performed by CIRMA/ Ensemble Organum lead by Mr Marcel Pérès
Latin Text:

Virga Iesse floruit
de qua nasci voluit
sicut sibi platuit
Dominus factus homo propter mundi facinus.
Hodie Christenatus est.
Nobis natum generat que virum non noverat
sicut ante dixerat Gabriel ex Maria natus est Emmanuel.
Hodie Christenatus est.
Virgo mater gentium que salute omnium
perperisti filium Domina fac ut nostra deleantur crimina.
Hodie Christenatus est.
Virgo salutifera dele nostra crimina
pietatis ubera petimus quibus Deum te lactasse credimus.
Hodie Christenatus est.
Quis audivit talia tanta mirabilia care hec leticia contio
chorus iste benedicat Domino.
In hoc natalitio psallat nostra contio
tanto benefitio congruas
chorus iste reddas Deo gratias.
Hodie Christenatus est

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