Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 Danai Gurira on the All-Female ‘Avengers’ Rumor April 25, 2018 0 Comments 523104 Ellen found out if “Black Panther” star Danai Gurira knows anything about the rumored all-female “Avengers” film. Source Link Share Article: Tags: #wakandaall female avengersamericana book adaptationbaldblackblank panthercaptain marvelchaswick bosemandanaidanai guriradanai gurira and chadwick bosemandanai gurira and daniel kaluuyadanai gurira black panther red carpetellenellen audienceellen degeneresellen fansellen ticketsfrance mcdormandgurirahairinfinity warInterviewlupita nyongomarvelokoyeoscarspantherrumorsseason 15season 15 episode 141spoilerthethe ellen show