Sometimes we lose our loved ones to other people who strike a better charm or sometimes the other people are just opportunists. Sometimes we let our loved ones slip away and they end up finding love elsewhere. However, there is a bigger giant out there and a giant we all can never run away from, that’s Death. Beat this Goriyati by living life the best way you can when you still can and aim to be happy always, so that when it comes you can confidently say, yes I will go but indeed I lived “life”.
Video Starring:
Mai Mungoshi
Mukudzeyi JNR
Gugulethu Ashley
Ruvarashe Mutambira
Song Producer: Rodney Beatz
Video Director: Umsebenzi Ka Blaqs
We are thankful to the Nyaradzo Group for making this video shoot possible. And special mention to Mr. P. Mataranyika who played a very essential role in drafting the script (PLOT TWIST)