Romeo Juliet is a 2015 Tamil romantic comedy film written and directed by Lakshman. The film features Jayam Ravi and Hansika Motwani in the leading roles and music composed by D. Imman. The film was released on 12 June 2015.

Aishwarya (Hansika Motwani) falls in love with Karthik (Jayam Ravi) assuming that he is rich. But, once she realizes that he is just an ordinary gym instructor, she leaves him and wants to get together with a rich man Arjun (Vamsi Krishna). With Karthik standing in her way and threatening to break her relationship with the millionaire, Aishwarya, is now forced to find a suitable girl for Karthik.

Cast : Jayam Ravi, Hansika Motwani, Vamsi Krishna, Poonam Bajwa, Uma Padmanabhan, Shreya Gupta, Madhumila, VTV Ganesh, Arya (Cameo)

Directed by Lakshman
Produced by S. Nanthagopal
Written by Lakshman
Music by D. Imman
Cinematography by Soundararajan
Edited by Anthony
Production company : Madras Enterprises

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