社交媒體平台9gag創辦人陳展程一早明白「多元化」對網上創作平台發展的重要性。投資亦然,最重要不是All in的本錢,而是All-rounded的本事。




Ray Chan, founder of the platform 9gag, has understood the importance of ‘diversification’ early on. And the same applies to investment — it’s not about going all-in with your capital but being all-rounded with your investment choices.

Find out how Private Equity Funds helped Ray stay ahead of the game.

Learn more: https://grp.hsbc/6059zbNyL

Investment involves risks. Enrolling in this product is subjected to eligibility requirements. Please contact your dedicated HSBC Jade Director/Relationship Manager to learn more.

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#HSBC #PrivateEquityFunds #PrivateMarket #UpYourGame #RayChan #9gag #Investment

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