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00:00 : intro
00:36 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:13 : mulai mencampur bahan-bahan (start of mixing the ingredients)
04:09 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (Sambal Matah is ready to serve)

=================== [INDONESIAN]Sambal Matah merupakan kuliner khas Bali yang disajikan sebagai pelengkap hidangan ayam goreng, ikan bakar, ataupun ayam bumbu betutu. “Matah” sendiri memiliki arti “mentah”. Sambal Matah memang dibuat dari bahan-bahan mentah yang mengeluarkan aroma khas dari rempah-rempah, seperti serai dan daun jeruk. Kali ini aku mau share resep Sambal Matah versi aku.

Resep Sambal Matah

6 lembar daun jeruk (ukuran besar)
10-20 cabai rawit
25 bawang merah
2 bawang putih
7 gr terasi
2 batang serai
1,5 sdt kaldu jamur / kaldu ayam / micin
50 ml minyak kelapa
½ sdt garam
1,5 sdt gula
1,5 iris jeruk nipis / jeruk purut / jeruk limau

1. Potong kecil-kecil serai, daun jeruk, cabai rawit, bawang merah, bawang putih, dan terasi
2. Panaskan minyak kelapa
3. Masukkan semua bahan yang sudah dipotong-potong
4. Bumbui dengan garam, kaldu jamur, dan gula
5. Aduk hingga rata dan diamkan sebentar agar aroma bawang keluar
6. Masukkan terasi
7. Tuangkan minyak panas ke dalam wadah
8. Masukkan perasan air jeruk, aduk rata
9. Sambal matah siap disantap. (Sajikan bersama nasi hangat dan ayam suwir)

=================== [ENGLISH]Quintessential Bali: Foolproof Sambal Matah Recipe

Sambal Matah is a signature Balinese dish, served to complement dishes like fried chicken, grilled fish, or Betutu chicken. “Matah” itself means “raw”. Sambal Matah is made from raw ingredients that exude the unique aroma of spices, such as lemongrass and Kaffir lime leaves. This time, I’m sharing a recipe for my version of Sambal Matah.

Sambal Matah Recipe

6 Kaffir lime leaves (large size)
10-20 bird’s eye chili
25 shallots
2 garlic
7 g shrimp paste
2 stalk lemongrass
1.5 tsp mushroom /chicken stock powder / MSG
50 ml coconut oil
1/2 tsp salt
1.5 tsp sugar
1.5 slice key lime / kaffir lime / regular lime

1. Slice the lemongrass, Kaffir lime leaves, shallots, garlic, and shrimp paste thinly.
2. Heat the coconut oil.
3. Combine all the sliced ingredients.
4. Season with salt, mushroom stock powder, and sugar.
5. Mix well and let it rest to enhance the shallots and garlic aroma.
6. Add the shrimp paste.
7. Pour the hot oil into the rest of the ingredients.
8. Add lime juice and mix well.
9. Sambal matah is ready to serve. (Serve with warm rice and pulled chicken)


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