David Lama teams up with Conrad Anker to finish an amazing climbing route in Zion National Park: Latent Core.
Anker first tried the route nearly 25 years ago, but never completed the full thing. With the help of Lama, the duo set out to leave their mark and finish the route at one of the most incredible climbing spots in the park.
► Discover more from David Lama https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnuf8iyXggLHVvOsGIzZqs17a_7hbRkrS
/>▶︎ Discover more extreme climbing On Demand with our TV Apps for all your devices: http://win.gs/RedBullTVApps
► Discover the full story behind “”The Dawn Wall””: https://www.redbull.com/int-en/collections/the-dawn-wall
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