Namaste, Hyundai is finally launching its new EV, made in India for the Indian market. It will be available in two battery packs and various trims and is expected to start at around Rs 17 Lakh. The top end with 51.4Kwh and ADAS features should cost more than Rs 22 Lakh. I got a chance to drive it recently, and here are my impressions.
00:00 Introduction
00:28 Charging
02:01 Exteriors including Key fob, Wheels, Charging port, etc
09:22 Interiors including Infotainment, MID, Steering, seats, etc
20:45 Rear seat space and amenities
22:30 Boot Space
23:30 Drive Impressions on City & Highway roads, including Ride, Dynamics, Handling, Power, ADAS, Regeneration, etc.
36:16 Conclusion
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