Cote de Pablo, the incredibly popular actor who portrayed Ziva David on the hit show “NCIS,” has been wowing audiences since she was fifteen. That’s when she took on co-hosting duties with Carlos Ponce on a popular talk show for Telemundo. But she was bitten by the acting bug long before that.
De Pablo has loved performing since she discovered the art form in middle school and has pursued it ever since. But seeing the young performer turn into the star she is today has been quite a journey. She’s practically unrecognizable from her first on-screen appearances. Without a doubt, Cote de Pablo’s transformation is just stunning!
#NCIS #CoteDePablo #Transformation
Learning the craft | 0:00
Music and acting | 1:20
Moving to New York | 2:13
Joining NCIS | 3:24
Beyond NCIS | 5:09
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