Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**

00:00 : intro
01:07 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:25 : iris wortel dan lobak (slicing the carrots and radish)
03:49 : membuat campuran acar (making the pickles)
04:44 : iris kol (slicing the cabbage)
05:15 : membuat dressing mayo (making the mayo dressing)
06:12 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepSaladHokben #ResepSalad #ResepDevinaHermawan

=================== [INDONESIAN]Resep Salad Ala Hokben (untuk 6-7 porsi)

2 buah wortel berastagi besar
1 buah lobak putih
5 lembar kol

Bahan campuran acar:
3-4 sdm cuka
8 sdm gula pasir
2 sdt garam
150 ml air

Bahan dressing mayo:
8 sdm mayones
1 sdm kental manis
1-2 sdm saus tomat
1 sdt mustard, opsional
¼ sdt garam
Merica secukupnya

1. Serut wortel atau potong korek api, potong miring lobak lalu iris memanjang, pindahkan ke dalam wadah
2. Masak gula, cuka, garam, dan air hingga larut kemudian tuang ke dalam wortel dan lobak, aduk rata, dinginkan
3. Iris tipis kol lalu rendam dengan air es
4. Campurkan mayo, saus tomat, kental manis, mustard, garam, dan merica, aduk rata
5. Susun salad di atas piring
6. Salad ala hokben siap disajikan dengan dressing mayo

=================== [ENGLISH]Salad à la HokBen Recipe (yield 6-7 servings)

2 pc carrots, large
1 pc white radish
5 sheet cabbage

Pickling Liquid ingredients:
3-4 tbsp vinegar
8 tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
200 ml water

Mayo Dressing ingredients:
8 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp condensed milk
1-2 tbsp ketchup
1 tsp mustard, optional
¼ tsp salt
Pepper, to taste

1. Shave the carrots or slice them into matchsticks. Slice the radish diagonally and chop it lengthwise. Transfer to a bowl.
2. Cook the sugar, vinegar, salt, and water until the sugar dissolves. Pour into the carrots and radish. Mix well and chill.
3. Slice the cabbage thinly and soak in cold water.
4. Combine mayo, ketchup, condensed milk, mustard, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
5. Arrange the salad on the plate.
6. Salad à la HokBen is ready to serve with the Mayo Dressing.


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