

#滙豐 #滙豐卓越理財 #滙豐Mastercard附屬扣賬卡 #海外升學支援 #這是我的全家福 #家的未來由擁抱改變而來

The HSBC Mastercard® Supplementary Debit Card supports 12 major currencies, giving your children greater peace of mind to spend overseas without foreign currency transaction fee. You may also set the monthly limit of the card and receive a notification whenever a transaction is made, so that you can keep track of their finances, effortlessly.

Learn more about HSBC Premier: https://grp.hsbc/6055KTUGR

#HSBC #HSBCPremier #InternationalEducationSupport #HSBCMastercardSupplementaryDebitCard #ThisIsMyFamily #MakeBoldMovesForYourFamilysFuture

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