4 challengi za TOP nagrado so za nami.🔥 Izmed 70 sodelujočih smo izbrali 22 polfinalistov, pred katerimi je bil najtežji izziv do sedaj. 😉 V živo prepričati našo strogo žirijo, ki jo sestavljajo Žiga Sotlar, najbolj hot koreograf na Balkanu, balkanska superzvezdnica Sara Jo in kralj slovenskega TikToka Kuxala.💥
V polfinalu so jih čakali 3 krogi, 3 izločanja in samo 45 minut učenja koreografije.🤯 8 izbranim vrhunskim plesalcem je uspelo. Kdo gre naprej v finale in nato pakira kovčke za L. A. ali pa vzame denarno nagrado 5.000 €? 🚀 💸
#msoseskatv #ulicaigerinzabave #mtiktokdanceakademija
Four challenges for the TOP prize have been completed. From the 70 participants, we selected 22 semi-finalists who faced the most difficult challenge so far. They had to convince our strict jury in a live dance-off. Our badass jury consists of Žiga Sotlar, the hottest choreographer in the Balkans, Balkan superstar Sara Jo and the king of Slovenian TikTok Kuxal.
In the semifinals, they had three rounds, three eliminations and only 45 minutes of learning choreography. Eight selected top dancers succeeded. Who goes on to the finals and then packs their suitcases for L.A. or takes the € 5,000 cash prize?