Czy aby posługiwać się kilkoma językami trzeba mieć talent? Piotr Kruk w swoim wystąpieniu pokazuje, że wcale nie! Systematczność i motywacja – czy są kluczem do sukcesu? Learned as many as 7 foreign languages in just a few years and, at the age of 27, became Director for Central and Eastern Europe, creating a sales network. Today, he is the author of the book “A foreign language in 6 months”, but also a father of teenage children for whom today’s world has no borders. He is eager to share his knowledge on how to use one’s talents on an international scale and how to improve Polish education so that it finally starts teaching foreign languages effectively and in accordance with the needs of the modern human being This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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