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00:00 : intro
01:25 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
03:05 : mulai membuat adonan (making the cookie dough)
05:17 : bentuk dan isi adonan (shaping and filling)
06:30 : simpan adonan di kulkas (chilling the dough)
07:03 : tabur garam (sprinkling some salt)
07:26 : mulai memanggang (start baking)
08:10 : hidangan siap dan tahap serving (the cookies are ready to serve)
=================== [INDONESIAN]Resep Chocolate Cookies. Cookies merupakan salah satu camilan favorit banyak orang. Ada banyak bentuk dan varian cookies. Kali ini aku akan membuat chocolate cookies yang diisi dengan selai Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream di dalamnya dan taburan chocolate chips di atasnya. Tekstur luarnya yang renyah namun di dalamnya masih lembut. Kombinasi yang pas untuk teman ngopi.
Resep Chocolate Cookies (20 pcs)
200 gr mentega
150 gr gula pasir
130 gr gula palem
1 sdt ekstrak vanila
1 butir telur
280 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
5 gr garam
½ sdt baking powder
¼ sdt baking soda
150 gr choco chips
10 sdm Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream
1. Masukkan mentega, gula pasir, dan gula palem ke dalam mangkuk dan aduk menggunakan mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi selama 1-2 menit
2. Masukkan telur dan ekstrak vanilla kemudian kocok dengan kecepatan tinggi, jika adonan sudah terlalu encer masukkan ke dalam kulkas atau freezer supaya mentega beku kembali baru kocok lagi hingga mengembang
3. Tambahkan tepung terigu, baking powder, baking soda, dan garam yang sudah diayak lalu kocok sebentar hanya sampai adonan tercampur
4. Masukkan choco chips, aduk menggunakan spatula
5. Siapkan loyang yang sudah dialasi baking paper lalu letakkan satu scoop adonan di atasnya dan beri jarak antar adonan
6. Beri cekungan pada tengah adonan cookies menggunakan sendok
7. Masukkan Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream ke dalam plastik segitiga lalu semprotkan pada cekungan adonan cookies lalu ratakan cookies menutupi selai dan beri sedikit taburan garam di atasnya atau boleh ditambah topping choco chips di atasnya
8. Panggang dengan suhu 185°C selama 15 menit
9. Chocolate cookies siap disajikan atau disimpan dalam wadah tertutup setelah dingin
Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream tersedia di Ranch market, Farmers market, Foodhall, Lion Superindo, Giant, Kemchick, Grand lucky, Indomaret, toko-toko dan supermarket.
Jangan lupa cek Instagram @OVOMALTINE_INDONESIA
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ovomaltine_indonesia
Facebook Page : https://facebook.com/OvomaltineOfficialID/
=================== [ENGLISH]Crunchy Outside with Melted Chocolate Inside: Chocolate Cookies Recipe
Cookies are one of many people’s favorite snacks. There are so many shapes and variants to cookies. This time, I’m making chocolate cookies filled with Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream and chocolate chips topping. It has a crunchy exterior and a soft center, a great combination to accompany your coffee time.
Chocolate Cookies Recipe (20 pcs)
200 g butter
150 g sugar
130 g palm sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 pc egg
280 g all-purpose flour
5 g salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
150 g choco chips
10 tbsp Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream
1. Combine butter, sugar, and palm sugar in a bowl. Beat with a mixer on high speed for 1-2 minutes.
2. Add the egg and vanilla extract. Beat on high speed. If the dough gets too soft, place it in the fridge or freezer so the butter firms up before beating it again until the mix expands.
3. Add the sifted flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Beat just until the dough is mixed well.
4. Add the choco chips in. Stir with a spatula.
5. Prepare a tray lined with baking paper. Place a scoop of the dough on top and leave some distance in between.
6. Make a crater in the middle of the cookie dough using a spoon.
7. Add the Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream into a piping bag. Pipe into the crater and shape the dough to cover the chocolate spread. Sprinkle a bit of salt on top or add more choco chips for the topping.
8. Bake at 185°C for 15 minutes.
9. Chocolate Cookies are ready to serve or kept in an airtight container after they cool.
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